13 January 2012

I'm loving.

I was just leaving a friend’s house when it came out of nowhere. A mystical force. A divine intervention. A slice of awesomeness to make my babies and I squeal uncontrollably in sheer joy. It started snowing!

I knew it would end as quickly as it came, so I heightened my senses to its highest capacity and soaked it all in. I deeply inhaled the fresh crisp air until it hit the back on my throat, and then slowly released it. I stood there –square in the middle of my backyard- and looked up into the sky; memorizing the unique cuts of the flakes as they swished and swirled above me from a dusky rose colored backdrop. And when my heart spilled over in floods of complete and udder happiness, I held out my arms and spun around like Jodie Foster in the movie Nell, swaying in the wind style.

It was a nostalgic treat. My very own sliver of Alaska to send me soaring over the moon.

I’m loving it.

I’m also loving:

{Planning My Two Bambino’s Big Day}

Since the kids birthdays are only two weeks apart --and they’re still young enough to be excited about the party itself, and not being the center of attention-- we’re doing a joint birthday party. While their special day isn’t for another 5 weeks, we’re having a blast throwing around party themes, brainstorming decorations, and food ideas. After changing party themes --at least a dozen times-- we’ve concluded that there’s going to be a lot of little blue birds, toadstools, red capes, and furry brown animals.

Did I mention that we’re making 90% of the decorations ourselves? I’ll post DIY tutorials along with website links after the party.

Inspiration here:  http://pinterest.com/emilyroe/krysta-s-9th-will-s-2nd-birthday-party/

Follow Me on Pinterest

{Organizing and Getting Rid of the Old}

Our garage has always been a major issue. Losing an entire room plus having a smaller garage, creates a lot of clutter --like mountains of clutter, like Oh my God, are you a hoarder type of clutter. I’m talking about baby items, furniture, and storage bins, on top of regular garage items like tools and garden supplies. Oye. It’s a total mess and a lot to deal with.

And so we’re dealing with it now.

Presenting Project Organize Our Sh*t.

Here is the embarrassing before photo:

Ron and my handsome little man worked hard on building a sturdy shelving unit for my baskets and seasonal storage bins. I also have six boxes of paintings (I’m storing away until they sell or if/when I can get them back into a local art gallery) that are going to get a custom made unit so they can stay in tiptop shape.

I can already feel the load lighten… it’s a work in progress.

But for now, I’m loving my handymen hard at work to make mama’s life run a little smoother.

I mean come on, who wouldn’t love this little mister with his saw? Precious.

*the final photo still to come

{Devilish Grins and Chunky Sweaters}

I adore his little mischievous smiles. I can just eat them up all day. Enough said.

Oh and here’s that grin again.

And again

And again. Gaw, he’s so delicious.

{Unexpected Commissions}

I love unexpected, unplanned, out-of-the-blue commission orders.

Here is my latest pencil drawing.

A lady commissioned me to do a drawing of her two children as a gift to her husband. It’s seriously heart-stretching to know that my work is given as gifts --it’s unique, thoughtful, and from the heart, not to mention it feels so good knowing that someone admires my work enough to give it to someone they love.

For more examples of my work visit, www.emilyroeartist.com

To purchase a custom made piece of art, http://www.etsy.com/shop/emilyroeart


It turns out that I found a new passion. A passion that I’m finding myself deeply falling in love with. A passion that I’ve been doing for years, but never thought about making a profit from it.

I’ve always photographed my kids and the little everyday inspirations in my life --sunsets, flowers, a coffee cup-- but it’s truly more than that. I get such a high when I capture the little personalities and the unique qualities of children and babies. It’s heaven.

Here are a few photographs that I took of some sweet friends while we were in Bricktown.

*website coming soon! I haven’t “officially” made a 100% leap into photography…but I’m getting there and hoping to specialize in newborns.

{Ron’s Talent}

My husband builds websites. He’s newest commission is building a site for the Military Museum in Oklahoma City.

While he was sitting down with the director to discuss his expectations, the kids and I took a stroll around the premises.

Krysta had a lot of questions like, what happens to all of the broken planes and military trucks, along with questions about the war and the people who died. She was sad to see all of the unused, broken down vehicles and the names of the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice written on plaques. Krysta truly is a sweet, caring, emotional little girl, which is why we’re having such a hard time breaking the news that daddy will be deploying in a handful of months.

Krysta made a wish that no one had to die. Her heart is big.

Today’s Friday… and that’s something everyone can love!

Look up to the sky and sway like Nell.

Happy Weekend-ing



Brianna said...

I looove the photo of them two men working, then the one of your little baby girl blowing a dandy lion! You take really great photos! :)

Grandma Becky said...

Thanks for your thoughts and your photos, as always. I enjoy your blog so much. Yes, seeing the photos of your two helping men brings back memories when our son wanted to help his dad fix the car. Dad affixed a clamp onto the bumper and had son hold onto it. It worked for awhile till he got wise and older....oh well! And then there was the time he put is hand on the tailpipe of car, good thing it wasn't running. His hands were all black. Love those memories. We might see snowflakes this weekend and tomorrow I get to watch the grandbabies and am gonna love it! Hugs!