23 January 2012

Alter your Decisions

This week was killer-- not in the “totally awesome” killer, but in the “gah, that blows” killer. It started off with last weekend a little something like this:

We gathered around for our usual weekend Breakfast Taco dinner, when Krysta said, “Mom, I don’t feel so good.” After several minutes of convincing her to just eat –and all she could do was stare at her plate- I got up and cooked her something bland. Needless to say, moments later she was in the bathroom losing her stomach.

Naturally, Mama Instinct kicked in and I attacked any and all places that harbored the enemy, the flu bug. I did a full on battle raid that would have made Gettysburg look PG. My weapons of choice consisted of bleach, Fabuloso, Febreze, and my trusty ol’ Dyson.  The bathrooms, counter tops, and tile floors quickly surrendered, leaving me with a sigh of victorious relief. And that mountain of dirty laundry? Completely demolished.

I’d love to say that it was all uphill from there, --I was truly hoping for an awesome week-- but a chain of unfortunate events led me down a dark spiraling slide, and I’m finding it hard time finding the light. I spend my days with off again, on again tears, and waking up in a grey fog. I can’t stand it.

After literally staring out the window at pure nothingness, Ron said, “Em, are you going to be ok?”

“No. Let’s go.”


“I don’t know; let’s just go hang at Barnes and Noble.”

So off we went. To Barnes and Noble. Two towns over.

Because two towns over might just be the escape you need.

When homebodying doesn’t fit the bill, I gravitate to Barnes and Noble. I’m not sure why. Perhaps it’s the thousands of delicious books waiting to be thumbed through, or the hissing and gnarling spits of the espresso machines, or my babies’ imaginations longing to soar as we flip through the pages of Dr. Seuss. Either way, we dive head first into a world of non-fiction, and it’s bliss.

You know what else is pure bliss? My girl making Honor Roll… all year, thus far!

We’re two bubbly parents beaming over with joy. We’re so proud of her and all of her hard work.

This was her moment.

Will sat so still during the ceremony --in that same position, to be exact! 

William and Krysta’s birthday party is just around the corner. *squeal*

We made red toadstools and blue birds out of clay today. I’m don’t know what I’m going to use them for (probably will place them around the food table), but it was fun, easy, and a great little project for little hands.

 Little brother was all about some clay. His preferred method of sculpting is clay-in-hand, clay-in-mouth.

It’s now in the still of the morning, Ron is off to work, the kids are still asleep in bed and I’m reflecting on this past week, the last few months, our time in Oklahoma. I’ve concluded that I’m in a funk -a rut on steroids, so to speak. I’m overly emotional and overly tired and I’ve got to get out of the mess. It’s simply chaotic and draining and I’m so over it.

I know I’m sounding like Eeyore, but I’m hoping that if I throw it out there, the universe’s scale will shift and begin to tilt in the opposite direction… in the direction of lighter mornings and softer evenings.

“The consequences of today are determined by the actions of the past. To change your future, alter your decisions today.” ~ Anonymous

It’s Monday. The blackboard mapping out the emotional roller coaster ride has been wiped clean and new blueprints are being drawn up. Let’s rock out this week.

Go and alter your decisions,



Kristy said...

Aw, Em. I wish I had known you were in a funk. I guess I should have with the lack of blogs and tweets!

I hope you get some amazing blueprints, my dear friend. You deserve it!

I can't wait to see Will & Krysta's birthday party. Those clay mushrooms? SO cute! And congratulations to Krysta - how awesome and smart you are girl!

Fingers crossed you rock out this week girl!

Grandma Becky said...

Good idea...alter decisions today to make life better. I have had to reconfigure my life lately now that I am working another day per week, forever. I need to do more in the evening after work. Do dishes right after dinner instead of waiting til bedtime cuz I just wanted to sit down after being on my feet all day and......I will make these changes to help my life.
Glad that daughter got to feeling better and it didn't last too long. My hubby has a cold so this a.m. I sprayed Lysol all through the house. No fun! Take care and have an great week. I am praying for you!