04 March 2013

Right Before my Eyes

We’ve officially crossed over into a new territory, a new stage of life. Krysta has rolled into the nice round number of ten. I’m not sure, but does this put her in the age bracket of “tween”? …Let’s just pretend I didn’t just say, “tween”.

It’s true what they say—in a blink of an eye, your babies are grown. It seems just like yesterday that I was chasing around a bubbly toddler, full of giggles, and pigtails. Now, here we are, a FULL decade later. 

“The days are long, but the years are short.”
–Gretchen Rubin

 I’m a balling mess of emotions. I want to her to remain my baby girl forever, and yet, I’m so excited and honored to watch her grow and bloom into the bright, gifted, little lady that she is becoming. Witnessing her achieve her goals, accomplish milestones, and optimistically grab life by the horns, is nothing less than soul-satisfying. 

God has truly given me the best gift possible- the special gift of being this little girl’s mama.

For my Bunny,

"All you have to do is be yourself, and live the story that no one else can live-- the story of your own unique life. Be Brave. Be proud. Be confident. And most of all, be happy."

Love, Mom 



Grandma Becky said...

Happy birthday to Krysta. May God bless in many ways. She is adorable young lady. Yes children grow up too fast before our very eyes but we are grateful they grow up well. Hugs to you, Em.