Changes. Take note.
It's a brand new day. And with it, comes a feeling of renewal, a chance to bloom, and fresh opportunities. Over the past year, I've let opportunities and business advancement moves slip away-- not because I didn't care, but because I felt it was no longer what I was seeking, what I truly wanted in life. Little did I realize, I was at a crossroads. To be honest, I'm still at a crossroads, but I'm closer to smoothing out the wrinkles and patching the pieces together on life's quilt.
Thanks you all of you, my blog is growing. So, in the spirit of pushing forward, I got brave and rebranded "Writings of an Air Force Wife". I've opened my own domain for this blog. . I got the green light from my husband and therapist (aka Best Friend), that this move suits me well. I feel confident and extremely optimistic.
Bookmark it, save it, write it down on a old receipt and stick it on your fridge.
To go along with my new name, I've redesigned my site-- adding new social icons and illustrations that I made in photoshop, PLUS a big shoutout to my husband for coding it all for me. (put your mouse over the icons on my banner...they wiggle. Cute, right?)
I've also made the tough decision to open a NEW Facebook page:
Which means I'll have to start from scratch, but I'm okay with that....change and new beginnings are a good thing.
Please, Oh Please, join me! If you're on my old site, I will be deleting that one soon.
If you're my twitter buddy, that account is remaining the same:
Instagram will remain the same:
As well as Pinterest:
There is it. A start to making a change.
This is going to be great.
This is going to be positive.
Good things to come.
Love, Em
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