16 January 2013

Down in Waikiki

My to-do list for today is full of design projects, heaps and heaps of laundry, and DIY projects. So, I’m coming in for a short and to the point blog post. Please bare with me as I catch-up on the past few months… 

We set out early before the busy streets and city sidewalks awoke. It was nice to get an early start to exploring—to see the beach in different light, new colors and hues.  A lavender and soft turquoise reflected peacefully off of the Waikiki seascape as waves elegantly curled among the sand. It was quit tranquil—like a Japanese garden level of tranquility.

We ate our Starbuck’s breakfast on the Waikiki wall, watching the quiet city grow louder and louder as bikers, walkers, and city buses quickly passed by to their destinations. Street performers pulled out their guitars and set out their hats as tourists formed circles to soak in the entertainment. A girl could get use to this lifestyle. 

As the sun grew more intense, we walked down the Waikiki shoreline to the Waikiki Aquarium.

We became face-to-fin with a variety of tropical fish, coral, and jellies. William was completely mesmerized and we loved seeing all of the vibrant colors.

The Honolulu Zoo was right down the road, so we happily took advantage of our day and ventured in. It was a zoo like all the rest, except for the overabundance lush tropical foliage at every turn. Beautiful.

Happy Hump Day! I hope you all are having a good week so far...if not, you still have 1/2 of the week left to make it into what you want.

Have less. Do more. Be more.



Rhe Christine said...

Now I miss it!!