14 February 2012

Love, love

Yesterday it snowed. 

Truth be told, I doubted my weatherman when he said snow was in the forecast --he let me down many times in the past, but now he’s rightfully redeemed. We woke up to a nice thin sheet of white snow --neither fluffy nor powdery, but good enough to get my winter fix.

7:30 hit and we were out the door, sledding down our side hill, sculpting snowballs, and making snow angels.

Oh, how I have missed you.

On the way to school Krysta said, “I miss the snow so much. When are we going back to Alaska?”

With those words, my heart aches. It’s a question that I honestly don’t have an exact answer for, but I do know this… one day, one day we’ll return.

Growing up on the East Coast I’ve always considered myself a beach girl; I lived for the summer; I breathed in the salty air as much as humanly possible; stayed outside until my skin burned from the sun. But over the years I’ve grown to realize, as much as I love the ocean, I’m perfectly content living up North --extreme North-- surrounded by mountains and birch trees and alpine creatures. I now live for Autumn and Winter; I love breathing in fresh crisp air that rolls off of the mountain tops and I’m over-the-moon when snow flurries begin floating down and wildlife perches itself in my front yard. One day, I will live that life again.

All morning, her words weighed heavily on my heart --her longing to be back up North, enjoying life as she once knew. I recognized that the snow would melt and disappear as quickly as it came, so we picked her up from school early to squeeze the bejezus out of any remaining snow patches.

starring wide-eyed with anticipation for more flurries

William was completely smitten. He ran out the door before I could get his shoes on!


Today is Valentine’s Day. Love Day.

The kids and I awoke to chocolates and flowers left by my handsome devil. And I may or may not have sent Krysta to school with a sugar buzz…

Instead of purchasing cards and candy, we created our own little Valentine gift baggy for Krysta’s classmates.

Here’s how you make it--

What you’ll need:
Snack ziplocks
Cardstock paper and a printer
Staples and a paper cutter

For the tag:
In Photoshop create a file size 6.5x2
Place your image to the size you’d like, and then add scripty fonts and a message. SAVE
Then create a second file, sized 6.5x4
Copy and paste your SAVED image twice (flipping ONLY your second image horizontally). SAVE
Almost done… create a third file, sized 8.5x11
Copy and paste your 6.5x4 images. You can fit 3 images on one sheet of paper.

Now cut and fold your tag.
Fill your baggy and candy of your choice, then staple your tag onto the ziplock.

VOILA, easy heartfelt Valentine’s gifts.

I’m heading off to prep food with a friend, clean my house, and set up a few decorations.... there’s gonna be a baby shower tomorrow!

This month's cup is spilling over the rim in love, love it.

Big Hearts,


The Detloff Family said...

Love the goodie bags you did! Thanks for following us as well, I love how we both embrace this wild and crazy life the AF has laid out before us.