It's a GIVEAWAY, and there's something for everyone!
I used to be what you might call, A Seasoned Scraper. I had hundreds of embellishments, the zigzag scissors, the glitter, the sparkly pens, and acid-free double-sided tape. I went to crops (scrapbookers term for party) every Friday night to construct my photos into perfect layouts with perfectly matched paper and stickers. I could rock out a crop like nobody’s business. But as time went on, my cropping days were few and far between. In fact, it has been about five years since my glitter pen has seen the light of day; tucked somewhere between the tupperware boxes labeled “Christmas Décor” and “Krysta’s Baby Clothes”, you’ll find my neglected scrapbook supplies.
Through the blogosphere, I’ve seen that digital scrapbooks are getting more and more popular. I’ve been meaning to tryout the software for some time now, but have yet to take the leap from paper to digital.
Luckily, as irony would have it, Amazon’s #1 Best Selling scrapbook software company, My Memories, contacted me last week with an offer for my readers! They want to give you, yes ALL of you, a $10 discount off of the purchase of My Memories Suite Scrapbook software and a $10 coupon for the My Memories Suite store (a $20 value)! PLUS a GRAND PRIZE WINNER will receive the digital scrapbooking software for FREE (a $40 value)!
Emily Roe’s reader’s special code is: STMMMS13906
Your friends and family are welcome to use this code as well!
Yesterday I sat down and played around on the My Memories site, and loved it. It’s very easy to use, and comes with tons of free paper, embellishments, built in layouts, etc. The sky is truly the limit! They also have additional products that you can purchase at a very low cost to help enhance your photo books and cards even further. And did I mention that they have premade pages? All you have to do is insert your own photos and voila! Simple!
Here are a few quick and easy pages that I made this morning…
There are many ways to enter-- the more ways you enter, the higher your chances are!
Please leave a comment for each entry you do.
1. Visit MyMemories and choose your favorite paper pack or layout. Tell me which one you like the best in the comments below. (Mandatory Entry)
2. Follow My Memories Blog (3 entries)
3. Follow my blog (3 entries)
4. LIKE My Memories Facebook page (2 entries)
5. LIKE my Writings of an Air Force Wife Facebook Page
6. Follow My Memories Twitter (1 entry)
7. Follow my Twitter (1 entry)
8. Tweet this Giveaway: “I’d LOVE to win the @mymemoriessuite scrapbooking software giveaway, hosted by @emilyroe “ (1 entry per tweet)
Since the MacDaddy holidays are just around the corner, I added a little icing to the cake and made some very simple –because I’m a simple kind of girl-- Christmas cards using the same scrapbook software! Keep in mind that you can go as simple or as complex as you’d like. This program gives you full reigns on your creativity.
I will announce the winner next Saturday, November 25 –the day after BLACK FRIDAY! Oh yes, the holiday train is coming and I’m jumping on board!
Good luck,
Cute! This same company just contacted me about the giveaway and I was so impressed.
My favorite is the holiday layout since the holidays are approaching!
I like the October Paper Pack. I love fall colors and can be used all year round.
Following My Memories Blog. Nice. :)
Following your blog. Excited to read more on it.
Liked My Memories facebook page.
Liked Writings of an Air Force Wife facebook page.
I like the construction zone pages. I have two boys, my little men LOVE trucks!
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